
Interactive installations (CH)

Under the label Cod.Act, André and Michel Décosterd combine their know-how. The first is a musician, composer and sound plastician, the second is an architect and plastician. Together they develop artistic productions such as performances and interactive installations. The basis of their approach is a reflection on sound and movement and their possible interaction. The devices created by Cod.Act translate physical movement into a sound phenomenon. They process the whole of the information they receive by a transfer mechanism. At Sensorium Festival Cod.Act will present their major installation πTon. It is a large elastic body that reacts and moves according to sounds in the room. πTon is an intriguing sound installation; it constitutes a new stage in the Cod.Act researches on plastic and sound organicity. It results from an experiment on the relation between the distortion of an elastic structure and a real time human voice synthesis.