Capacity is limited, please register yourself:
Performance 1, Friday 7.6.2019 at 20:00-20:30.
Performance 2, Saturday 8.6.2019 at 11:00-11:30.
Performance 3, Saturday 8.6.2019 at 20:00-20:30.
Performance 4, Sunday 9.6.2019 at 11:00-11:30.
Performance 5, Sunday 9.6.2019 will be part of a guided tour. Get your free ticket at bit.ly/senstics
At Sensorium Festival Cod.Act will present their major installation πTon. It is a large elastic body that reacts and moves according to sounds in the room. πTon is an intriguing sound installation; it constitutes a new stage in the Cod.Act researches on plastic and sound organicity. It results from an experiment on the relation between the distortion of an elastic structure and a real time human voice synthesis.
From raw materials and natural physical phenomena, πTon associates organic movement and vocal expression under their most primitive forms. The result is a striking sound and visual event that sends the spectator back to the origins of his behaviour.
You can experience πTon thanks to support of 
Other partners are Pro Helvetia and Bratislava Design Week.